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Researchers call for an urgent increase in iodine intake among youth. – Lifestyle Channels

Researchers call for an urgent increase in iodine intake among youth. – : “Iodine is important for baby’s brain development, visual motor skills and hearing, and is an essential nutrient required for normal thyroid function, growth and development.”

Iodised salt is the easiest , most effective way of ensuring that iodine intake is sufficient. It’s why we supplied it to 3rd world nations, but now we are suffering iodine deficiencies ourselves, pregnant women especially. So much for civilised wisdom. We always used to have the iodised salt on the table. Now we don’t in case we eat too much salt. If you rely on processed foods, you will get too much salt. If you create your own meals, and the do not have to be complicated, then you can used iodised salt. Out soil does not put enough iodine in foods so we do have to supplement. As with any other supplement, do not over do it and eat natural amounts.


Retired Adelaide based professional. Lived here most of my life. I have been a teacher of French, English and German since 1974 and value the capacity of the classroom, wherever that might be, to write on the lives of others.

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